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21st Century Church of Christ

9658 Baltimore Ave, Suite 300

College Park, MD 20740

Feeling Unsure about Visiting?

You're welcome here.

We are delighted that you decided to visit our website and learn about what God is doing at 21st Century Church of Christ. Grab a cup of coffee and your comfy chair as you explore our site and find out more about us, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our Site is full of God-breathed information designed to teach you what Yahweh and Yeshua have in store for you. Please use your Bible to test everything we have written and then feel free to ask as many questions as you want. 

Plan Your Saturday by Contacting Us

Our Saturday schedule offers a wonderful and blessed meeting where we have song, sermon, offerings, and praise & worship.

Saturday Schedule

11:00 am* - Meeting

During the Week

Weekday Meeting


11:00 AM (Watch Live)

Bible Study


7:30 PM (or by appointment)

Coming Up at 21CCOC

Encampment Day with DHHS

Date: Saturday, March 08, 2025, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

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