President John McCain was moved by the plight of homeless individuals living under a bridge. In his vision, he saw a person with battered and bruised feet exposed outside his tent. John believed that a pair of socks would not only comfort him but also protect his feet from the harsh elements. Thus, President John initiated a Sock Ministry dedicated to distributing socks to those in need.
In 2021, Pastor John shared a vision with two colleagues, Janice Euell and Toni Colwell, who were deeply moved by the concept of offering socks to the homeless as an act of kindness. Since that time, they, together with many others, have dedicated themselves to creating AGAPE Gift Bags. We are seeking your support for these gift bags, which contain socks and toiletries, as a gift has the power to make someone feel appreciated and unique.
Furthermore, we are committed to empowering individuals to lead joyful lives and have developed an eight-point strategy for behavioral modification that has proven successful.
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